How to Hit Irons Consistently


Hit Irons Consistently

Hitting iron shots consistently well is one of the keys to scoring better in golf. While driving distance is important, accuracy and consistency with your iron play is often what separates the good players from the rest. Follow these tips to hit your irons solidly and with more consistency:

Evaluate Your Equipment

Having properly fit irons is essential for consistent iron play. If your irons are too upright, flat, long or short for your swing, you'll struggle to find the center of the clubface. Get fitted by a professional club fitter who can analyze your swing and recommend the proper iron specifications for you. This includes correct shaft flex, grip size, lie angle and length. Properly fit irons will give you the best chance to make consistently solid contact.

Optimize Your Set Up 

A poor set up leads to inconsistent iron play. When you address the ball, stand so your eyes are directly over the golf ball. Don't stand too close or far from the ball. Your stance width should be about shoulder width apart. Keep your knees slightly flexed and balance evenly on the balls of your feet. Maintain a straight back posture. Check that your weight is evenly distributed between your feet. An Athletic posture with balance over the balls of your feet promotes solid ball striking.

Control Your Tempo

Rushing your swing is one of the main causes of fat and thin iron shots. Maintain a controlled, rhythmic tempo on your backswing and downswing. When you rush the transition between backswing and downswing, your body gets ahead of your arms, usually resulting in mis-hits. Develop a smooth tempo where your transition feels unhurried. One technique is to make a slow, smooth takeaway, pause at the top, then make an aggressive downswing. This sequence engrains a controlled tempo.

Keep Your Head Still

Excessive head movement during the swing is another leading cause of fat and thin shots. As you swing back, your head will rotate naturally. But it should maintain its spine angle and elevation. Avoid letting your head dip or lift during the backswing. On the downswing, keep your head still until after impact. Any extra movement can cause mis-hits and inconsistent contact. Eliminate any excess head dipping or swaying for better iron play.

Make a Controlled Backswing

An uncontrolled backswing leads to inconsistent ball striking. Keep your backswing smooth, compact and on-plane. Don't overswing by letting your arms and club get too far behind you. Maintain connection between your arms and body so they turn together. Too much independent arm movement can make it hard to re-sync on the downswing. Focus on controlling your takeaway and backswing length for solid iron shots.

Accelerate Through Impact

To compress the ball properly, your clubhead speed should be increasing as you near impact. Gripping down an inch on the club can help promote a quicker release through the ball. Also keep your lower body turning towards the target after impact. This helps draw the clubhead through impact for maximum speed. Solid shots come from accelerating the clubhead just before and after you strike the ball.

Hit Down on the Ball

Irons are designed to be hit down on the ball so it lifts into the air on a descending blow. This requires shifting your weight forward in the downswing to compress the ball into the turf. To get the feeling, place more pressure on your front foot as you swing down and through the ball. Hitting down squeezes the ball between the clubface and turf for solid contact.

Follow Through Toward Your Target 

The follow through has a big influence on ball flight. To promote a consistent directional ball flight, swing fully through impact and extend your arms directly towards the target. Maintaining a strong follow through keeps the face square longer through impact for straighter shots. Don't quit too early on your swing or decelerate before impact. Continue accelerating with your chest and arms pointing at your target.

Practice Consistently

Improving your iron consistency requires regular, focused practice. Spend time at the driving range dialing in your swing fundamentals. Hit balls off different lies to simulate course conditions. Practice partial swing shots to improve your ball striking technique. Devote plenty of time chipping and pitching too. The more you ingrain solid fundamentals through practice, the better your iron play will become on the course.

Play Approach Shots Conservatively

Course management is also key for consistent iron play. Don't always go for the flag, especially if the pin is tucked behind a bunker. Focus more on the middle of the green. Choose a club that takes the trouble out of play. Smart players recognize some days their swing won't be perfect. Playing conservatively based on your ability that day is crucial for lower scores.

Proper technique, equipment and practice are all essential for improving your iron consistency. But your on-course strategy must complement your abilities too. Mastering all areas of iron play takes time and dedication. But with a comprehensive approach and focused practice, you can hit accurate and consistent iron shots that lead to better scoring.

Best Guide: how to hit irons straight
