How To Use The Driving Range To Improve Your Game


Driving Range To Improve Your Game


The driving range is an essential tool for any golfer looking to improve their game. Spending time at the range hitting balls allows you to work on your swing technique, dial in your distances with each club, and build consistency. With the right approach, the driving range can shave strokes off your scores and make you a better overall player. Here are some tips on how to maximize your time at the driving range to improve your golf game.

Focus On Your Pre-Shot Routine

Before you even hit a ball at the range, pay attention to your pre-shot routine. A consistent pre-shot routine establishes a rhythm and gets you mentally prepared to hit the shot. Work on repeating the same sequence of steps before each swing - pick your club, set your stance, visualize the shot, take a practice swing, etc. Grooving a solid pre-shot routine will translate to the course and help you maintain composure over the ball.

Dial In Your Distances

One of the big benefits of the range is the ability to dial in distances with each club in your bag. Most driving ranges have markers in the distance to aim for. Take note of your typical carry distance for each club - for example, your pitching wedge may carry 115 yards. Knowing your distances will make club selection much easier on the course.

Align Properly

Practice aligning yourself properly to the target line on the range. Set up perpendicular to your target line and use the clubface to align your feet, knees, hips and shoulders parallel left. Aligning your body properly will ingrain muscle memory for consistently hitting straight shots. Use alignment sticks or club shafts on the ground to train your feet, knees and hips to align parallel left of the target line.

Rehearse Your Swing

Use the driving range to rehearse making smooth, fluid swings. Pay attention to the different parts of your swing like the backswing, transition and downswing. Are you taking the club back on the correct swing path? Are you transferring your weight properly in the downswing? Are you making solid contact? Rehearse good mechanics on the range to program your muscles for efficient motion.

Practice from Different Lies

The range allows you to practice shots from different lies you may encounter on the course. Hit some balls off a slight upslope or downslope to rehearse how to adjust your setup and swing. Also practice shots from side hill and uphill/downhill lies. Learning to control trajectory and distance from uneven lies will improve your course management skills. 

Work On Specialty Shots

In addition to full swing shots, use the driving range to polish specialized shots like punch shots, bump and runs and flop shots. The range provides a safe place to be creative and develop control with specialty shots without the pressure of being on the course. Becoming proficient at these shots will fill your shotmaking arsenal for tricky situations during a round.

Fix Flawed Swing Motions 

Analyze your ball flight at the range to identify any persistent flaws in your swing. If you continually slice the ball, work on swing path and alignment drills to fix it. Hooking shots may require weakening your grip and shallowing out your swing plane. The driving range is the perfect place to ingrain corrections for flawed swing motions.

Track Statistics and Measure Progress

Measure your progress over time at the driving range by tracking key statistics like accuracy, distance and consistency. Note your miss percentage at certain yardages and track how those numbers improve as your technique improves. Ranges may provide launch monitors to measure swing speed, ball speed, launch angle and other stats. Tracking data will give you a complete picture of your development as a golfer.

Practice with a Purpose

Maximize your range sessions by practicing with a purpose. Don't just mindlessly beat balls; have a plan to develop specific parts of your game each time. Work the entire bag from wedges up through woods. Spend time rehearsing pre-shot routines, dialing in distances, aligning correctly, shaping specialty shots and ingraining proper mechanics. Make each session count.

Using the driving range strategically in your practice regimen will lower scores and instill confidence on the course. Be deliberate about sharpening your swing technique, dialing in distances and rehearsing shotmaking skills during range sessions. Following these tips will help you get the most out of your time on the range.

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