Nothing is more fundamentally important in golf than the grip. Our grip is the only thing that makes contact with the ball because it is the only thing that connects to the club. An incorrect grip can cause a slew of issues in your golf game.

This blog discusses how to create a neutral golf grip, as well as an explanation of the various types of golf grips and grip strengths.


The position of your fingers on the club's grip has a significant impact on the path the club takes as it passes through your body. This path determines the golf ball's flight and direction. 

Although a proper golf swing frequently overlooks the importance of a good golf grip, serious golfers should pay close attention to where their hands are placed on the grip before each and every shot.

A good golf grip:

enables mobility

Produces electricity

Rotation is made easier.

Produces the necessary hinging motion

Aids in the promotion of consistency

In a golf swing, it generates the appropriate amount of leverage.   


There are three types of golf grips, each with its own set of benefits and drawbacks: 

Vardon Overlap Grip

Grip Interlock

Baseball Grip (Five Fingers)

We'll go over the Overlap Grip (Vardon), Interlocking Grip, and Baseball Grip (10 Finger) grips in this section, as well as who each type of golf grip is best for:

Overlap Grip - Vardon Grip

The Vardon grip is the most popular golf grip in the world, with 90% of Tour players and the vast majority of amateur golfers using it. This grip is named after Harry Vardon, a British golfer who popularized it. It involves both hands being anchored through the right pinky finger. The right pinky is then placed on top of the depression formed by the left hand's index and middle fingers. 

Adults with strong hands and long fingers are most likely to use the Vardon grip because the fingers must overlap and act as a solid anchor. If your pinkie is too short or weak, your hands may slip out of place during your golf swing.  

Grip Interlock

The Interlock Grip is the second most popular golf grip. The pinkie finger on the right hand and the index finger on the left hand connect the hands in this grip. 

Instead of sitting on top of each other, the fingers in the interlocking grip cross. This position helps to keep the hands close together and the grip secure. 

Smaller hands and fingers, women, and famous golfers such as Tiger Woods and Jack Nicklaus all use this grip. 

Grip Interlock

The Interlock Grip is the second most popular golf grip. The pinkie finger on the right hand and the index finger on the left hand connect the hands in this grip. 

Instead of sitting on top of each other, the fingers in the interlocking grip cross. This position helps to keep the hands close together and the grip secure. 

Smaller hands and fingers, women, and famous golfers such as Tiger Woods and Jack Nicklaus all use this grip. 


Along with grip types, grip strengths must be considered. Grip strength refers to how your hands are placed on the grip rather than how tightly you hold the club.

Grip strength has a significant impact on your swing and, once mastered, can significantly improve your golf game.

The three types of grip strength are as follows:




In this section, we'll look at the various grip strengths and the effects they have on your golf swing:

Strength in Relationship

The relative strength is determined by how the fingers are positioned in relation to the center of the grip. Fingers in the middle form a neutral grip, while fingers to the left form a weak grip and fingers to the right form a strong grip.   

Both palms should be facing each other on opposite sides of your grip for all grip strengths.

Grip Neutral

What Is a Neutral Grip — A neutral grip is defined as having both hands around the center and on top of the grip, rather than on either side. This is an important grip to master because it will help you improve your golf game's consistency.

How to Position Your Fingers — Use your left hand to grip the club, keeping the clubface square to your target. When you look down, you should only see two knuckles (your middle and index fingers).

With your left hand secure, position your right hand opposite and below it.  Your thumbs and index fingers should form a V and point to your nose (slightly to the right of it) if done correctly.

What a Neutral Grip Promotes — A neutral grip does not favor one side over the other. Instead, it encourages a straight ball flight. When combined with a proper swing, a neutral grip will tend to reach back in a square position upon impact. 

Firm Grip

When looking down, a strong grip involves both hands slightly offset to the right of your grip rather than being in the center of the shaft. 

How to Grip the Club — Grip the club with your left hand, making sure the clubface is square to your target. Your ring, middle, and index fingers should have three knuckles visible.

With your left hand in place, place your right hand opposite and below it, palms facing each other. Your index fingers and thumbs should form a V shape that points slightly toward your right shoulder when completed correctly.

What It Promotes — A strong grip encourages active hand release upon impact. This grip favors a more closed clubface, which may result in a ball that hooks or draws by encouraging the hands to roll into the impact.

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Grip Problems

What Is A Weak Grip — A weak grip is defined by both hands being slightly to the left of the grip's center.

How to Place Your Fingers — Using your left hand, grip the club and make sure the clubface is square to your target. When you look down at your hands, you should only see one knuckle — your index finger.

Once your left hand is securely in place, place your right hand opposite and below it, palms facing together. Your index fingers and thumbs should form a V shape that points slightly toward your left shoulder if done correctly.

What a Weak Grip Encourages — A shaky grip prevents the hands from fully colliding. This causes a more open clubface at impact, which can result in a ball that slices or faces.

Golf Grip Troubleshooting 

Even if you practice your grip as much as possible, you may still have problems.

We'll go over frequently asked questions about golf grips, common golf grip problems, and how to correct grip mistakes in this section. 

What happens if I have an overly tight golf grip?

Tightly gripping the club can cause tension in the shoulders and forearms, preventing you from generating maximum club head speed. This will result in less power and a shorter range. 

What is the problem with my golf grip?

If you can't get the ball very far into the air and it's driving low and to the left, your right hand is probably too far underneath the club. 

What kind of pressure should a golf grip have?

Consider holding a tube of toothpaste tightly enough to grip it but not so tightly that you squeeze any toothpaste out of it. On a scale of 1 to 10, this translates to a four or possibly a five.

Can grip size influence a golf swing?

Yes, the size of your grip influences how low or high you hit the ball. A small grip forces you to squeeze too hard, resulting in limited wrist mobility. A large grip makes keeping the clubface square at impact more difficult. Finding the right grip size is essential for becoming a more consistent golfer.

What happens if I have an overly strong golf grip?

Do you frequently hook the ball to the left? This is frequently a sign of an overly tight grip. If you're hooking to the left, try moving your left hand slightly to the left until you reach a weaker position.

What kind of grip should I use?

The most important aspect of selecting a grip type is comfort. Your hands and fingers must be comfortable, secure, and have the proper pressure balance without feeling tense, uncomfortable, or strained.

Feel free to try out different grips to see which one works best for you. It's a good idea to start with the most popular grip (Overlap Grip) and work your way down until you find the best golf grip for you.

Why am I losing swing power?

Golfers who have changed their grip frequently report a loss of power in their swing. If you've recently tried a new grip, you might be holding the club tighter to compensate for any discomfort caused by the new position of your hands.

If you're suddenly unable to hit the ball as far as you used to, consider how tightly you're gripping the club and any recent grip changes you've made. 

Want to learn more about golf, watch instructional golf videos, or get online golf coaching?

We hope you found our golf club grips guide useful. Check out this blog for a putter grip size and style guide. 
